I worry about how warm it's been, the fact that our water levels are down 10 inches or more, and then I think about what we're doing to our earth. My three grandsons are back in town and it just makes me think about the world we're leaving their generation.
I'm trying to conserve: water, energy. I recycle as much as I can...I try very hard to keep my own carbon footprint as small as possible.
I'm enviously listening to my BIL go on about his Prius and the amazing mileage he gets...and wishing I dared try to get one. Would I really be able to stash all my craft show gear into one? Or could I justify renting an SUV just for weekend shows?
Then I begin to remember that originally when I started this business, I didn't want to do shows, I wanted to just make bags and sell them online. This business of mine has morphed into something I didn't plan. The shows, the orders. I'm certainly not complaining, but when I think about how I envisioned it before it blossomed, well, this is very different! :)
And then I think, would I want to give up the shows? Meeting my customers, talking with them, seeing them over and over at other shows? I've made friends over the past 3 years. Not just customers! Friends! No. I do enjoy our shows!
Odd how one thought leads to another. Is this a "long thought?" I remember reading Alix Kates Shulman, Drinking The Rain, and her stumbling upon an essay of P.D. Ouspensky who wrote "Think long thoughts. Each of our thoughts is too short. Until you have experience from your own observation of the difference between long and short thoughts, this idea will mean nothing to you."
I'm unsure of just what a long thought might be. A chain of thoughts, one leading to another I understand. I think that's just what I've done above. But does a long thought actually mean teasing out the nuances of a single thought? Or is it thought-chaining?
Fall is my favorite time of year for this type of intellectual discussion inside myself - tho' now I seem to be inviting you in to listen. Don't feel you have to participate, but if you'd like to, please do.