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Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Plans...

My plans are really pretty simple. From simplicity. Voluntary simplicity (heard that one here before?).

My personal "enough" has been ignored over the past several months. I know that stress does that to me. And 2006, while wonderful in many ways, was stressful.

So Enough. Here we go. New Plans, New Goals.

1. Aim for health - and all the "resolutions" that go with that: eating better, exercising more, destressing more.
2. Moving for health - and in this, I don't mean exercise - Literally a new, healthy environment without smoke. And weeding out "stuff" in the process!
3. Buy less, save more. And, um, yes, that means destash the yarn. (Fabrics do not qualify, as they are not stash, they are business inventory.) I have some of the most gorgeous yarn...and I'm a slow knitter. If I couldn't buy more yarn for 2 years, I'd still have enough to use up...(lolol!) But I don't include sock yarn. That's exempt. (A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do...)

In all things, it will be quality over quantity. Holding fast to my personal definition of "enough."

If not now, when?
I think I deserve it.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Last year I bought myself a very special original piece of art and I want to share it with you....(the photo just doesn't do it justice, you know?)

If you'd like something by this artist (NAYY), you can see her work here. Everything she does is wonderful - be it Siamese cats, greyhounds, or even Ragdolls (should I tell Wendy and Lucy?). Her title for the piece above was "I brought my own."

May you get caught under the mistletoe with your own very special person this year.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Eve's Eve...

On Knitnana I was sharing my foot-dragging about decorating for the holidays the other day. I did finally succumb and put up a very little tree and a wreath on the door.

But until I visited my sister-in-law over the weekend, I'd completely forgotten this little tree, which I love.

For years, I wanted a little tabletop ceramic tree. I never wanted to take a ceramics class to get one, however. A couple of years ago, DD discovered this one at a flea market and gave it to me for Christmas. Unlike most of the trees I see with little "lights" on them, this tree has little birds that the light shines through. I adore it.

So it, and the gifts for my big sister's family, adorn my dining room. I guess I'm having more Christmas this year than I'd planned.

Today is my eldest grandson's birthday. This is the first year I've not been able to be with him to celebrate - they've moved too many miles away...and it's so hard to have a birthday right before Christmas.

His dad calls him "Tater." This is a much younger photo of him...

Dearest little Tater...Happy Birthday! I miss you so much! I hope you had the best birthday of your life! Your Nana loves you.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Reading? Well, These Days, Rarely...

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Dedicated Reader

You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

Literate Good Citizen
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
Book Snob
Fad Reader
What Kind of Reader Are You?
Create Your Own Quiz

From my dear friend Christie who's answer is quite appropriate to her, I was sitting and wondering why it didn't ask about knitting in line at the post office or what socks I brought to knit on the plane...I do read, just not the way I used to when I was indeed just a step or two away from that Ph.D., but these days, it's one book, now usually a novel, and I read over weeks, not hours. Knitting and sewing have replaced reading, mainly for two reasons, my eyesight, and my income!

But compulsive about my hobbies? Well, now THAT I am...
Thanks for a fun quiz, Christie!